Technology is changing everything … including when and where we trade. It’s easier than ever to trade from anywhere.
The rapid tech growth over the past two decades means more opportunities. We couldn’t even imagine this 20 years ago. No matter where you are in the world … as long as you have an internet connection, the possibilities are limitless.
Think about it…
… you could be reading this blog post nearly anywhere in the world. Maybe you’re reading it on that magical smartphone you carry around. And I wrote this post while traveling the world and building schools with Karamagwa. That’s mind-boggling!
It blows my mind that I can reach so many people and help them learn to become self-sufficient traders. I never would’ve thought I’d have students from all over the world and nearly every state in the U.S.
At the risk of sounding too much like my friend and StocksToTrade lead trainer Tim Bohen, we’re truly living in a golden age.
A lot’s changed in the last 20 years. It’s now easier than ever for people to begin their trading journeys — from anywhere.
So what do you need to trade from anywhere?
Table of Contents
Must-Have Tools to Trade From Anywhere

Millionaire Media, LLCThanks to the internet, there are fewer limitations on where you have to be to trade. You don’t even technically need a computer.
Smartphones are now more powerful than computers from a decade ago. Not that long ago, this technology seemed like science fiction. Now too many people take it for granted. They don’t know how to use it to improve their situations.
Don’t know where to start in the market? Check out this book written by one of my top Trading Challenge students: “The Complete Penny Stock Course.” It’s a solid overview of trading basics. It answers so many questions I hear all the time.
Today, nearly every online broker offers trading apps for both iPhone and Android. Personally, I don’t like to trade from my phone, but some people don’t have a choice. If you work full time, this might be what works for you. Whatever your tool of choice is, embrace it. Learn to make the most of it. Don’t make excuses.
Modern trading apps are nearly identical to desktop trading platforms. If you use them, you aren’t at a huge disadvantage like traders used to be. As long as you have a network connection, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world.
Check out one of the craziest places I’ve traded from … I was helping save endangered rhinos with VETPAW and watching the market open:
But this was one of my crazier trades done while saving a rhino, made $600+ the operation was supposed to be done before the market opened, but it was too hot for the rhino so it got delayed & I had an overnight trade! #laptoplifestyle #tradefromanywhere
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) January 17, 2020
People love to call me out when I trade from crazy places. Every day I hear…
“That’s not possible…”
…or “There’s no internet there, this has to be fake!”
Are you people living in a cave? Seriously…
Get a hot spot. You can have internet almost anywhere in the world with a hot spot. It’s not some crazy new technology either. Educate yourself a little before you jump to absurd conclusions.
To trade from anywhere, you only need the internet and a laptop or smartphone — that’s it. Stop lying to yourself and get serious about your trading education.
Are you dedicated to being a smart, educated, self-sufficient trader? Apply for my Trading Challenge today.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
The incredibly powerful tools at your disposal can rapidly change your life. But it won’t happen overnight.
Yes … you can trade from almost anywhere easily — but trading itself is HARD. It’s taken my top students years to get where they are.
If you download a trading app today or tomorrow, you won’t magically start making money.
You have to study like crazy and never stop learning. One of my reported six-figure students, Michael Hudson (aka Huddie),* learned to trade while he was in college. It took him two and a half years of his journey to become profitable. He had a lot of failures along the way … But now he’s one of my top consistent students who shorts overextended stocks.
If you’ve already started studying or you’re in my Trading Challenge, you’re on the right path. Keep up the good work and study hard. I’m always looking for more successful students.
Haven’t started learning yet? Kick off your trading journey here.
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What do I do every day before the market open, no matter where I’m trading from?
Create a Watchlist
It doesn’t matter where you trade from, you have to build and maintain watchlists. It’s crucial.
Sign up for my FREE watchlist here.
Making a watchlist helps me prepare. If I didn’t take the time to prepare, I’d miss out on plays. I’d probably lose more trades. (See every trade I make here.)
How do I prepare? I scan the markets every day using this revolutionary software.
When you’re prepared, you aren’t chasing random stocks or other trader’s alerts. You’re focused on the process. You’re laser-focused and learning to be a self-sufficient trader.
Some days, you won’t find setups that work for your strategy — that’s OK!
Only focus on those A+ setups and study when the plays aren’t there. Work harder at your job those days. Or spend more time with your family … Hopefully, they’ll be more forgiving when you’re tuned in to the market.
Some people think they need to dedicate themselves 16+ hours a day every day. Don’t get me wrong, I love that kind of dedication. But that’s not for everyone. For many traders, that’s a recipe for burnout.
Trading is a marathon, so take it slow. I hate to see students burn out and quit too soon.
My Favorite Exotic Trading Offices
I’ve traveled to over 100 countries so far. Did I trade from every destination? Nope. I always scan the market for potential plays, but sometimes the plays aren’t ideal, so I don’t trade.
In Tahiti, the view from my villa was spectacular, and I managed to lock in a little over $3,000.*
Sorry my screen was so ditrty here, trading by the beach can be dangerous for laptops so beware, but YES of course you can trade from a beach…it blows my mind how narrow-minded too many traders are, trade from fucken ANYWHERE you can get wifi! PS buy/use a fucken hotspot
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) January 17, 2020
The Dead Sea in Israel offered some of the most spectacular sunsets…
And I’ve always loved Italy. The coastline is one of my favorite ‘offices’ with a view:
As much as I love traveling, I honestly enjoy mentoring my students more. I’ve dedicated my life to teaching people about the stock market. It’s changed the lives of hundreds of my most dedicated students.
A couple years ago, I shared one of my favorite hotels in Positano with my student Roland Wolf…
There’s also this time I went to the Midwest to meet up with four of my top students:
I know … the Midwest isn’t as exotic as some of my destinations. But several of my six-figure and millionaire students come from the Midwest.* So if you’re from the Midwest, embrace it.
[*Results aren’t typical. It takes time and dedication to build exceptional trading skills and knowledge. Most traders lose money. Always remember trading is risky … never risk more than you can afford.]
When In Doubt, Use Your Computer
No doubt, it can be fun and exciting to trade from destinations around the globe. But if you want to be serious about your trading career, you need some kind of trading headquarters.
It doesn’t need to be fancy. You really only need a laptop that supports your trading software.
Some people love to have two or more screens. Personally, I don’t think you need that. Extra monitors won’t make you a better trader. They’re a luxury. They can help traders look at more stocks. I think they can slow down most new traders. It’s too much to focus on at once.
That’s the main reason I trade from a laptop. I can only focus on one stock chart at a time. If I was looking at four different charts, I’d overtrade. When it comes to trading … less is more.
I hope this post inspires you. I want you to see the unlimited possibilities the world offers to those who work hard. Don’t give up on your trading journey. It might take longer than you think, and the most important thing is to not give up!
If you’re looking for the best place to get started … apply for my Trading Challenge today. Or if you want to take it a little slower, start with my 6,000+ video lessons. All of my top students started here … I hope you’ll be next.
Where do you usually trade? Leave a comment below. I love hearing from dedicated students!
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