The other day in this blog post, I announced I’d be giving away 1 Bitcoin, which, at the time was worth $6,000. But, as I write this new blog post, its value has increased to $7,200…I literally got tens of thousands of people applying to win, so its taken some time to go through everyone’s comments…I’ll be announcing the winner in a few days, most likely on Tuesday, along with my thoughts on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies so stay tuned!
In the meantime, the penny stock market is on fire as my Trading Challenge students and I made $500,000+ already this past week, as I posted the other day:**
And, I have to give a special shout out to this greatly dedicated Trading Challenge student:**
…who I previously featured here who has made $80,000+ this past week and is closing in on $400,000 in profits THIS YEAR after starting with just $4,000 (yes, that’s not just 10x his money, that’s close to 100x his money and he’s just getting started, as he’s been enjoying multiple $20,000 profit days lately as the penny stock market is on fire!)**
The key to making the most money and becoming my next successful student trader and possibly even my next Millionaire Trading Challenge student is learning and then following rules that will separate you from the roughly a majority of traders who consistently lose.
I have SEVERAL posts reviewing the most important rules, like:
117 Stock Trading Rules That Made Me 117% In 117 Days
More Breaking News
40 Lessons From Tim Grittani Passing $4 Million In Profits
Print These 36 Commandments That You Should Live By
I’ve actually made several videos emphasizing this key point, check them out:**
And yes, I know that if you have a small account of just a few thousand dollars, it’s impossible for you to make $2,000 per day. But, if you watch those videos above, the $ I talk about is not what matters most, it’s the whole “going for singles” as opposed to “going for home runs” mentality that too many wannabe traders have and instead of hitting those home runs, they strike out…and then they give up and stop studying, mistakenly believing that trading is harder than it actually is all because they played by the wrong rules and had flawed expectations.
So, I don’t want you to EVER make that mistake — nothing in the stock market, or in life for that matter, is given and you’re going to have to scratch and claw your way up every step of the way and it won’t be easy, and you will sometime make mistakes and lose money, and fail, but then you must learn from those losses and failures and get right back up and use your distaste for failure to push yourself to get much better over time so you never have to experience it again.
If you want a visual analogy to better explain what I mean then watch this great movie clip from the so-so movie “Invictus” about the true story of how the lowly South African rugby team used all their bitterness of defeat over the prior years to actually win the 1995 Rugby World Cup:
You see, I’ve been trading stocks for nearly 20 years now and I’ve had so many defeats, large and small, that I got sick of it and just in the past 2-3 years have I really clamped down on my losses and risk management, because I’d rather trade like a coward and sometimes take profits too soon, than to trade like a gunslinger who has higher highs than a coward trader, but also much lower lows…because it’s those lower lows that can wipe out your account and your confidence and your future.
Safety first isn’t just a little cliche for me, it’s a way of life when talking about trading volatile penny stocks…so the lesson here is to go for singles, not home runs, for me, that means my goal is to make roughly $2,000 per trade and I’ve been doing it consistently for 2 decades, one decade before I got started teaching, and now one decade as a teacher too.**
And as you see from my top Millionaire Trading Challenge students who also trade similarly, the volatility and opportunity in this niche is so great that it’s still possible to grow your account exponentially even when trading like a coward!
Please do leave a comment below this blog post if you get it and promise to do the same as I want more millionaire, cowardly students!
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