According to Reddit, these are the top penny stocks to trade. Penny stocks are stocks which trade under $5 per share. Penny stocks are also known for their high volatility. This is why they’re great for building small accounts, and why Reddit traders are interested in trading them.
The most famous Reddit-related former penny stock is GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME).
It isn’t a penny stock anymore, but check out its chart in 2020 …
Even when you factor in its 4-for-1 split, GME was under $5 as recently as August 2020. That’s part of what drew Reddit attention to this stock.
The other factor was the INSANE short interest in this stock. Wall Street types usually assume that penny stocks are garbage. The epic GameStop short squeeze was one time they got it wrong.
LOL HILARIOUSSSSSS $GME #wallstreetbets #gamestonk #RedditTrading #GameStop
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) January 29, 2021
This was a formative experience for Reddit traders. It showed them that they could organize and drive the price of ANY stock up. If they focused on penny stocks, more of the small-time traders on Reddit forums would be able to participate.
Now they’re out for blood. These are the penny stocks they’re eyeing right now …
Table of Contents
5 Reddit Penny Stocks to Watch the Week of November 14
My top 5 Reddit penny stocks to watch for November are:
- Meta Materials Inc. (OTCPK: MMTLP)
- LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (OTCPK: LTMAY)
- Cann American Corp. (OTCPK: CNNA)
- Neurobo Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: NRBO)
- Creatd, Inc. (OTCQB: CRTD)
The market has been trending up in the past month …
But Reddit penny stock favorites like Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. (NASDAQ: BBBY) and Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (NYSE: APRN) have been getting CRUSHED.
Is it because Reddit traders don’t have the sway they once had? Or maybe they’re just getting smarter …
I teach my Challenge students the right way to play the penny stock game. It isn’t by falling in love with these tickers …
You have to learn the right patterns to trade them with. Patterns like the ones I’ve been teaching for a decade now …
The same patterns that built my $7.4 million in lifetime earnings.
Glorious morning for me +$10k on dip buys on $OZSC $SNPW $BMIX but I missed $AMLM $BBRW $AITX and I'm far prouder of students turned masters @Jackaroo_Trades who's made $40k+ & @mono_trader who is +$26k today so far, what a market, study up & CAPITALIZE!
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) January 26, 2021
I’m just watching the stocks on this list. There’s no guarantee I’ll trade them.
I’m saving my ammo for the right moment. Keep your eyes open, these are your targets.
Best Reddit Penny Stocks for November 2022
These are the top 5 Reddit penny stocks to watch in November 2022 …
All of them have potential. When the right opportunity strikes, you want to be watching.
My first Reddit penny stock pick is Meta Materials Inc. (OTCPK: MMTLP).
If you’ve seen this name before, it’s because MMTLP is still my top watch. Its promoters are working overtime …
And I love it.
Cool to see $MMTLP fit the pattern sooooooo well this morning. History repeats 🙂
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) October 12, 2022
These preferred shares of MMTLP came out of nowhere in October, posting 350% gains through the month. Now they’re once again knocking on $7.50–7.60 multi-day resistance levels.
I’m not too worried if it can’t. I’ve been trading intraday panics for a total gain of $860 over the past month.
Key points about MMTLP…
- MMTLP shares will be converted into shares in MMAT’s Next Bridge Hydrocarbons oil and gas spinoff once that plays out. What’s funny is these pumpers actually have the brainless confidence to say that MMTLP’s current shareholders “have vowed” to buy MMAT stock when that happens!
- MMAT’s chart has been following MMTLP for the most part. But sub-par Q3 earnings only affected MMAT, not MMTLP.
This stock is fairly illiquid, so I’m trading it safely. Have a plan to take profits — and an exit strategy if your risk breaks!
#2: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (OTCPK: LTMAY)
My second Reddit penny stock pick is LTMAY.
This South American airline stock has been trending up for the past month — by about 650%!
It’s had good news over the past few months. It exited Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and its pandemic rate of quarterly losses is down. It even avoided a big pilot strike minutes before the deadline.
But that’s not the biggest news …
A November 15 shareholder meeting should confirm a 99% share dilution.
That isn’t all. The OTC price of around $0.70 is out of step with LATAM’s stock price on its home exchange — by about 10,000%! With the deluge of new shares, this puts LATAM’s implied market cap higher than $300 billion …
That’s more than the entire U.S. airline industry combined.
Key points about LTMAY…
- LATAM is the biggest airline in South America.
- At the time of writing, LATAM shares on the Santiago Stock Exchange are worth about $0.0065. This yields a more reasonable valuation for the company of around $5 billion.
LTMAY’s run isn’t the first time penny stocks have acted irrationally. I paid careful attention to the Level 2 data in my recent small win.
More Breaking News
#3: Cann American Corp. (OTCPK: CNNA)
My third Reddit penny stock pick is Cann American Corp. (OTCPK: CNNA).
This sub-penny stock came out of nowhere last month and spiked on news that it would be acquired …
How'd you end up today? I'm verrry happy to take my +$1k days on $SOBR $CNNA as while the $DIA $SPY $QQQ look to have bottomed (for now), I'm still in a safety first mindset & trading small/cowardly suits me just fine! And I'm trading from Bali this week, are new schools opening!
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) October 24, 2022
It was my Weekend Trader trade on the weekend of October 21. It didn’t make the kind of move I thought it could make, and I STILL locked in a nearly 38% profit …
That’s a $1,089 gain on a starting stake of $2,871!
If you want to check out my KILLER weekend strategy, sign up for the Weekend Trader package now.
Instead of announcing a reverse merger after their October 21 tweet, CNNA went on an acquisition run.
First they bought a majority stake in a video game company. Then they decided to enter the defense sector.
It’s been a long time since CNNA was just another pot penny stock.
Key points about CNNA…
- CNNA is talking about synergies in their video game and cannabis delivery business lines. I just see a bit of pumping going on.
- The promised reverse merger has only led to more self-promoting tweets.
So far, CNNA has been unable to build on its spikes. I’ll keep watching them for follow-up spikes, but they’ll probably need more volume and better news first.
#4: Neurobo Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: NRBO)
My fourth Reddit penny stock pick is Neurobo Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: NRBO).
NRBO is a junky biotech that just completed a new share offering …
In doing so, it flooded its tiny float of 500,000 with an additional 2.6 million shares. Of course, that tiny float was the only reason this stock was interesting in the first place!
NRBO came onto Reddit radar in September, after a 1-for-30 reverse stock split. This sent the stock from $0.55 to $19.30 overnight …
It ran another 230% before tapering off.
Post-dilution, NRBO is back in the $1s.
So why do I have it on my watchlist? Two words: January effect.
Key points about NRBO…
- NRBO followed up the reverse split with partnership news on September 15, which led to a smaller spike.
- There’s been no real news since. What’s led to the more recent spikes? NRBO has become a low-float chat pump favorite.
The January effect happens when tax-loss selling sends the price of a loser like NRBO down even further. At that point, any news could spike it … especially with its heavy short interest.
#5: Creatd, Inc. (OTCQB: CRTD)
My fifth Reddit penny stock pick is Creatd, Inc. (OTCQB: CRTD).
CRTD has had a wild couple of months. It delisted from the Nasdaq in September, did a new share offering in its couple of weeks as a pink sheet, then uplisted to the OTCQB market.
Its price kept falling … Redditors said that the same shorts that had targeted GTII and FNGR were behind a “short attack” on CRTD.
In the past month, CRTD has gained about 3,400%!
Key points about CRTD…
- If three exchanges this year weren’t enough, CRTD is filing for a dual listing on the blockchain-powered exchange Upstream. This is interesting — Upstream doesn’t allow shorting.
- CRTD is in every buzzy media-related sector you can imagine, from podcasts to NFTs to stocks to Web3.
Despite its strong October, CRTD has shown some weakness. I’m keeping an eye out for a potential dip buy.
See the Penny Stocks I’m Watching
Want to know which stocks I’m watching each week?
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If you want even more stocks to watch, read my Top Penny Stocks List Weekly Update.
I also send my daily watchlist and game plan to subscribers every morning. There are three ways to get it — choose your subscription here.
But I don’t want you to blindly follow stock picks and alerts from anyone — including me. Learn the reasons behind my trades and stock picks. Then learn to find your own.
The Final Word on Reddit Penny Stocks
Reddit chat rooms have the potential to push stocks higher. They can create giant short squeezes and supernovas. We’ve seen it happen in the past.
And although the past doesn’t repeat itself exactly, it often rhymes.
I’m in no way saying run out and buy these Reddit penny stocks. The chat rooms can be full of promoters and bots just as much as Twitter. But stocks with high volume and hype could present opportunities. So watch them for potential plays.
But always have a trading plan and stay disciplined. And never believe the hype. Become self-sufficient like my 20+ millionaire students…
Not sure which pattern or strategy is best for you? Watch the market, practice by paper trading on StocksToTrade, and study hard!
Want access to my top educational resources? Apply for my Trading Challenge Today.
Which of these Reddit penny stocks do you think has the most potential? Let me know in the comments … I love to hear from you!
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