There are two main times you need to pay attention as a small-account trader:
- In the morning, when stocks start to spike for the day.
- In the afternoon, when stocks heat up before the market close.
Now, a lot of my students also work day jobs. And depending on the time zone they’re in, usually one of these trading schedules is more feasible than the other.
I focus on the mornings. That’s when I like to trade. And since I’m usually traveling to places like Japan, when the market opens at 9:30 A.M. Eastern, it’s easier for me to trade.
See my video below for some travel-trading content:
When I’m in Japan, the market opens at 10:30 P.M. Tokyo time. Usually I end my day with some volatile “morning” trades and then close my laptop and get some sleep.
But people in the U.S. might have an easier time trading in the afternoon, before the market closes at 4 P.M. Eastern.
Trading is all about what works for YOU.
Top Afternoon Setups

Millionaire Media, LLCThese are not investment plays … It’s important for you to understand this.
The larger market is sliding lower. Investors are scared right now. Instead, why we focus on short term volatility:
- Get in.
- Get out.
- Move to the next setup.
Look at the S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSE: SPY) chart below, investors on Wall Street are scared stiff.
Every candle represents one trading day:

Instead of worrying about long-term plays … We focus on huge spikers like AGBA Group Holding Limited (NASDAQ: AGBA). It already ran 520%* in three trading days. And it could push higher …
On the chart below, every candle represents one minute:

Yes, there is a process to profit off of these runners.
The Next Trade Opportunity

Millionaire Media, LLCI’ve used this trading process to pull $7.6 million in profits from the market (that number includes my losses).
And I’m not alone, over 30 of my students have already used the same process to pull +$1 million each from the market.
Here’s the key:
Volatile stocks can follow popular patterns because people are predictable during times of high stress. Like when they’ve got a few thousand dollars in a stock spiking +100% …
We see these trading patterns in the market on a weekly basis.
And since the birth of AI in 2023, I’ve been able to teach this process to an AI bot called XGPT.
XGPT scans the market every afternoon and looks for specific price action. On Friday last week, it alerted a perfect setup on AGBA.
Take a look at the chart below with the alert details. Every candle represents one minute:

Traders don’t need to be an expert with this process.
Instead, they can lean on the XGPT trading tool until they learn this profit strategy.
And now is the perfect time to start!
Here’s why: You saw a chart of the SPY index earlier … the market is dipping lower.
Three out of four stocks follow the market. Which means that stock spikes are less intense while the market sinks.
But there’s a huge rally on the horizon.
The last time this happened, the SPY rallied 100% and made new all-time highs! This time, we have about a month to prepare.
Everything that you need is in the link below …
- Our XGPT bot.
- Small-account trade instructions.
- The $2 trillion government catalyst that’s about to hit the market.
When the market switches direction, everyone else will have to play catchup.
*Past performance does not indicate future results
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