Welcome traders,
There’s a HUGE September spiker that refuses to quit in this market!
It spiked 1,100%* between September 6 and 5 …
Then it rallied 130%* between September 13 and 17 …
And yesterday, October 2, the price spiked 160%*!
It’s a short squeeze. The price keeps spiking because there are too many short sellers in the stock. And when bullish momentum pushes them out, they have to buy to cover.
It’s a domino effect that can result in a massive price spike.
And for savvy traders who use our trading patterns … There are solid opportunities to profit.
Take Jack Kellogg for example. Jack is one of the most successful traders in our community, and he’s already traded this price action multiple times in September.
There are some examples below …

Jack’s position sizes are a lot bigger than most of the traders in our community. But understand: This process is scalable.
Jack wasn’t always trading with $100k … He started as a small-account trader just like you.
In fact, Jack used to valet cars for a living.
Now he trades behemoth spikers like this week’s 160%* short squeeze.
And it’s still poised to shoot higher … Here are all the details on this week’s stock spike that won’t quit:
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. (NASDAQ: WHLR)

Millionaire Media, LLCWe’ve seen spike-after-spike from this low-float short squeeze.
StocksToTrade shows that the float is only 197k shares …
A low float, means that there’s a low supply of shares. And a low supply helps prices spike higher when demand increases.
From a trading perspective, anything below 10 million shares is considered a low float. Which means WHLR’s supply of 197k shares is miniscule.
That’s one of the major reasons why we’ve seen so much volatility from this stock.
Take a look at the chart below that shows WHLR’s spikes in September and October, every candle represents one trading day:

You already saw some of Jack Kellogg’s trades from this insane runner. And the price action could match another one of our patterns.
My newest students are using AI to track the price action …
Type the WHLR ticker into the AI bot and it will spit out a trade plan as if you asked me directly!
Plus … WHLR isn’t the only stock that’s moving right now.
Top Stocks This Week

Millionaire Media, LLCOur small-cap sector is full of volatile runners that are ripe with potential trading profits!
You need to pay attention right now. Learn from me and my millionaire students.
I included Jack’s watchlist below. I had to redact some of the information for legal reasons. My Challenge students get the full watchlist every week and much much more!
Here’s Jack’s watchlist for this week:
Apply to join the Trading Challenge today!
All of my millionaire students came from the Challenge. It’s also where Jack learned to trade.
There are REAL opportunities for traders who understand this process.
Don’t miss out in October …
*Past performance does not indicate future results
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