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Find Out How To Buy Shares of "Ignored Companies" For As Little As .08 Cents!

Read This Quick Message To Find Out How!

CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for applying to my challenge - your application is being processed. So please do NOT hit the back button and do NOT close your web browser.

I hope that you'll look back a year from now and be thankful that you decided to apply for my trading challenge.

While your application is being processed, I'd like to tell you about an unusual trading strategy that you can begin using today to potentially grow a small account with penny stocks

The Penny Stock Treasure Map

Some of my students who are actively using this strategy call it the "Penny Stock Treasure Map" because it can literally SHOW YOU how to potentially grow an account trading low-priced stocks that Wall Street fat-cats ignore.

Let me explain...

The goal of this strategy is to close out a few small trades every week, giving you the potential to grow your account...

...this has worked for me for over 20 years now, no matter what happens in the markets.

How is this possible?

By trading low-priced "ignored stocks” that the Wall Street Money Managers think are “too cheap” to pay attention to...

And if you're not familiar with penny stocks, here's how they work at a high level, the way I'm going to show you how to trade them.

How It's Possible...

Think of it like this: every time you place a trade on one of these low-priced penny stocks, 1 of 3 things can happen.

  • The shares increase in value...
  • The shares decrease in value...
  • The shares remain flat, or sideways..

So if you buy a stock at $00.10 cents a share, for example, the price of that stock must go up above 10 cents in order for you to make money. If it drops below 10 cents, you lose money, and if it remains flat, you break even:

So, there are two market conditions that prevent you from making money if you trade “THAT WAY.” This is how most people trade, and as you know, most people lose money in the markets.

However, when penny stocks are traded the way I'm going to teach you, there's not only a chance to make money when the price of a stock goes up, but there's also a chance to make money if the price remains the same, or goes sideways:

Further, you dramatically limit your losses if the price of the stock drops.

So of the 3 things that can happen to the price of a penny stock (up, down, or sideways), there's potential to make money on all 3 of them instead of just 1 like regular traders do.

This strategy has worked for me in a good economy, bad economy, or even a full-blown recession.

So, the 3 market conditions could look like this:

Now, that doesn't mean you will win 100% of these trades, because like any kind of trading, you will have some losers, of course - everybody knows that, right?

However, since I’ve been doing this for more than 20 years and have made over $5M since the late 1990s, I've found a set of rules and patterns for spotting the highest potential & lowest risk penny stock trading opportunities...

Introducing the "Trader Checklist"
(aka “The Penny Stock Treasure Map”)

Here's how it works...

For the first time ever, I’m putting my personal Trader Checklist* on a special proprietary thumb drive… and only making it available to my students on this page (if you don’t have a USB port on your computer, I have a special link for you that comes with the thumb drive).

*I updated my Trader Checklist in 2019… now ONLY my students can get it!

It’s an 18 video, 11-hour “how to trade penny stocks & get started for very little money” training. And since I DO NOT want this floating around online for just anybody to see… I put it on this thumbdrive.

At the bottom of this page - you can get your hands one of these thumb drives (that also comes with a private link to access this training online) and see how my tribe of “misfit traders” and I make hundreds of thousands a year trading low-priced stocks:

  • First, it will help you find the specific penny stock opportunities that offer the most profit potential… (you might not know this, but 90% of penny stock companies are scams. My strategy will help you avoid these & instead focus on the 10% with the best profit potential).
  • Second, my Trader Checklist will tell you exactly how to get started with very little money and take advantage of stocks that typically cost less than a piece of candy from a vending machine. There's actually a very simple checklist you can follow so you don't make any mistakes… like a treasure map, you simply follow the path…
  • Third, you just sit back & wait to see how the trade develops… you don't have to worry about when to “get in” and “get out”… because my penny stock Trader Checklist will tell you exactly the maximum possible loss, even before you place a trade.

So, are you starting to see why some people call this the "Penny Stock Treasure Map"?

Now, if you've seen any of the major trading programs in our industry, then you know that the "go to" price point is around $3,000.00...

That's kind of the "industry standard" for a big, in-depth trading program like this (it’s 11 hours of video training)...

But because you already invested with me, & to prove to you that I’m convinced this is the best penny stock education on the planet...

Here's what I'm going to do for you...

I'll give you my Trader Checklist thumb drive that also comes with a private link (ONLY my students can get this) for 1 easy payment of just...

I'm doing this because I hope that by putting my best foot forward, you'll use this information to potentially grow your account...

...and then come back to me for more advanced training later on down the road.

I Want The Penny Stock Treasure Map

** We DO NOT ship thumb drives outside of the United States. (International buyers will be sent a private link.) **

*Results are not typical and will vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here.